Orange County Quilters Guild
Orange County Quilters Guild
In the quilt of life, friends are the stitches that hold it together.
In the quilt of life, friends are the stitches that hold it together.
OCQG Bylaws Revision
Vote on Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024
Please review the following changes to the OCQG Bylaws and the new Articles of Incorporation Letter. We will be voting on it at our October General Meeting. Please come so we have quorum and can vote!
Questions: Contact Sandy Milo by iPhone (714-624-3453) or email (ocqg@outlook.com).
We will have a Zoom call for those who wish to vote but cannot attend in person. Here is the Zoom link (it will also be sent via email):
Join Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, 10/8, 7 pm PDT
Meeting ID: 854 1689 9778
Passcode: ILoveQuilt
What is 501(c)(3) status and why are we working so hard to change that designation?
Who has been working on this ByLaw/ 501(c)(3) project and for how long?
Where can I find a copy of the current version (before changes) of the Bylaws so I can see what has changed?
PO Box 3108
Orange, CA 92857